Amy Brown

Brown | writer, poet & storyteller
︎ whoisamybrown

“True, Love-filled Representation is what I hope to create and consume. The space created by the Incubator creators makes me excited for the future”

I am a scribe. I’ve been in love with words since I memorised Wordsworth’s Daffodils as a laaitie.

I was exposed to Word-Sound-Power and instantly knew I wanted to be a story teller.

My parents’ eclectic taste in music set the foundation of my love for song and by age seven  I was composing and performing  concerts. The joy I find in being in front of an audience is a reminder from my child self that I am magic.

A strained reality prematurely ended my University season and I began to, after years of self-doubt, explore my innate musicality. Choosing words for fusing my confusions, muses and substance abuses with music has been my path since being introduced to the 021 creative realms in 2016. A brief domicile in Hip Hop saw me become the foremost QWOC to compete in local Battle rap. Advice from esteemed artists like Khanyi Mavi and Eavesdrop added to making my stay a homely one.

My creative expression has become synonymous with protest and invites to add to queer, academic spaces has seen my words endeavour to write the kind of world I want to create in.

I am, currently, co-Producing a passion project. A short art film inspired by the Cultural Alchemy of Xhosa women.